Wednesday 24 June 2015

body image and change

for unit 85 from looking at my fmp i would like to take it further by recording one of my ideas which i wanted to do within my fmp. This idea was for me to get volunteers to dress up and act like children taking on a specific personality or mood of a child, with playing games and taking up certain rutines which some kids have, i think this would look quite interesting coming out of full grown adults.

this is about looking at the way you were as child, so this means the way you walked, talked, played ext. i want to show the exaggeration of how much you would have changed. why don't we still act this way is it because we started school and was forced to act in a certain manner so it would be intellectually and socially acceptable when we've grown?

I will be expressing the exaggeration of this change by demonstrating what it would be like if you still acted like you did when you was a child.

part of this means for my volunteers to participate in certain games that was loved as a child.

hide and seek
patacake games
duck duck goose
leap frogs
pogo sticks
hula hoops
hop scotch
bull dog
hot wheels cars
role play
nap time

different personalities and moods to undertake

teachers pet
control freak
tom boy

these are the different moods which you would find in-between being most confident and not. each of my volunteers will be taking up a role and over exaggerating. by doing this it would come across a lot more childish and very weird coming from a adult.

my final outcome could be

collage, from the photos i will be taking i could create a playful happy collage and then super impose it onto photoshop and illustrator. i will look back into my research from Tesha Moore

video installation recording play and reactions of others and also how it makes the person feel acting childish.

a series of drawings edited on photoshop, i think looking back at my satire project could help a lot.

the volunteers for this project will be
my dad, 49
step mum, 52
older sister, 25
younger sister, 15

my family gladly volunteered to participate in my very weird experiment. i think this would be very interesting looking in to a family home, with this i could get everyone to turn over opposite roles. for example my dad could be acting like a two year old having a tantrum and my younger sister acting like the responsible adult and telling my dad off.

ill let you know how it goes :)

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